Convenience and Quality Automatic Standby Generators from Nebrasky Make Power Outages Hassle-Free

Convenience and Quality: Automatic Standby Generators from Nebrasky Make Power Outages Hassle-Free!

At Nebrasky Plumbing Heating & Cooling, we pride ourselves on providing exceptional service from trusted professionals, and top-of-the-line products. Our services offer our customers peace of mind, knowing that their heating, cooling, plumbing or generator equipment will function without a hitch.
In 2013, a Nebrasky technician installed an automatic standby generator for a customer in Orange County. The installation was routine, and the unit seamlessly starts up in the event of an outage.
This May, we received a call from the same customer, who was concerned that his generator was running and wouldn’t stop (there were no severe storms or obvious reasons for this to happen). The customer assumed this was an error and we made plans for a service technician to go assess the issue. Just before we sent a technician, as a precaution, we called the local electric company to check for outages. Sure enough, there was a power outage in his neighborhood! We quickly informed our client that the generator was acting exactly as it was supposed to.
With the smooth transition from electrical power to generator power, the customer had no idea the power had even gone out! We pride ourselves in knowing that our work is thorough and our products are top quality – if there ever is a problem, we will take every measure to amend it.

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